Around 10 years within the academia, one can't help but notice the obsession over getting a PhD. A PhD is - great. But like anything, it comes with a price. I compiled some of the reasons not to do your PhD:
You are bored. A doctoral degree is not a solution for boredom - it requires high focus and mental and emotional stability. Perhaps a hobby or a new interest can help with the boredom.
You are in the employment market, but you feel like you are underqualified. Many employers do not prefer PhD graduates, as the degree mainly prepares them to adapt to the complex academic world and inherently less adaptable to the changing needs of practice. Solution? Maybe get a certification in a specific field, but no, not a PhD.
You don't have any idea what research is. A doctoral degree is typically on completing a thesis or a dissertation, which requires scientific mastery in terms of method and theory, not completing many small assignments.
To those completing your dissertations - good luck. To my phd students - why are you hiding from me?!
